1 min read ยท Aug 21, 2019
Founded in 2016, Neptune uses advanced data analytics and an intuitive, simple quoting process to transform the way flood insurance is purchased in the US. As compared to the National Flood Insurance Program, Neptune offers expanded coverage’s, discounts up to 25%, and extreme ease of use, filling a significant gap in the private flood insurance market.
As an engineer and mathematician by training, I enjoy patterns. From a career standpoint, I’ve led a pattern of transformations, along the way creating significant value for customers and investors. A common thread to the success of any business is how that business embraces and seeks out innovation and change.
At Neptune Flood, we are seeking to create positive turbulence in the flood insurance world, by creating a super simple customer experience, offer compelling coverage’s not available elsewhere, at a price that is a discount to the National Flood Insurance Program. Great user experience, great product options, and great prices. And we do all this having a lot of fun and acting like the tech startup that we are, rather than an insurance company.